Nazariy Malysh

Software Engineer


Software Developer with 5+ years experience and technical mindset with the good knowledge of math. Love automation and optimization, which helped me to acquire experience in the independent performance of complex tasks. I enjoy working with people, support them and teaching them, when necessary. I have strong knowledge of Object-oriented programming, SOLID, Design Patterns, Architecture principles. Gaining new experience and enhancing my qualification is what makes me move forward. I am not afraid of being responsible and challenging myself in order to constantly progress. Programming is my biggest passion and I am always eager to learn something new.

Work Experience

Software Developer

BIQH Financial Data Services | 2017 - Present

Now working as developer in the company with 3 main departments.

  • Design and development of new service components and new functionality, refactoring and code improvement;
  • Grooming, task estimation;
  • Creating unit tests and supporting them;
  • Code review, branches merging, maintaining of repository health.

Financial provider system

Delivers an enterprise data management solution towards the financial sector. Company develops API, provides with specialized authorizations for the customers.

Responsibilities: Starting project, implement quartz scheduler, Job Worker, Redis publishers, Webhook notifications.

Stack: Microservices architecture event based solution with MassTransit/RabbitMQ - GraphQL, MassTransit, Redis, LightStreamer, .NET6, ASP.NET Web API, Quartz, xUnit, Moq, Svelte.

Workforce management system

Offers a workforce management solution for customers. Company mainly focused on the areas of HR, Time registration, Access Control and workflows related to job centers.

Responsibilities: Implementing modules, services, controllers, migrations, Cron jobs and Unit tests. Creating new Vue components, configuring Webpack.

Stack: .NET Core, ASP.NET Core Web API, xUnit, Moq, Vue.js, Vuex

Digital solution for internal communication

Offers an internal communication solution towards top 500 customers in the Netherlands. I was responsible for Speeding up loading time of client application and got the goal to make it 10 times faster.

Responsibilities: Implementing modules, services, controllers, migrations. Creating new React components, configuring Webpack.

Stack: ASP.NET, .NET Framework 4, React, Redux



Pet Project

On my free time, I write an application for managing my personal finance. User friendly grafical representation of asset allocation. Balancing risk against performance. Matching investments to objectives. Accounting for income and expenses. Automated functionality for taxes.


Open Source

Diploma project 'University' - all in one system for students, schedule classes and exams, news, tracking auditories. I created API and admin panel, schedule parser from existing form. Mobile apps were created by my classmates. Got the goal: I had deployed application to production before the final exam and mobile apps were available in AppStore and Google Store. Technologies ASP.NET Core + EF Core, VueJs. Responsibilities: conducted a survey of teachers and students, architecting and system design, database management, Azure deployment.



Finance, Python, Cycling, Climbing, Travelling